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Percy Jackson

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Percy Jackson
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Montāžas Teksta

  • This is and example of direct because percy is introducing himself
  • Your a God A God. You
  • Hi Im Percy and im a half blood. I have brown hair and blue eyes.
  • This is Grover and hes my bestfriend!
  • hitting my bestfriend Grover in the back of the head withchunks of peanut butter-and-ketchup sandwich
  • This is direct cause percy is telling us that Grover is his bestfriend.
  • The MinotaurMy mom, Is she really...
  • This is the Minotaur the same one who killed my mother.
  • This is direct cause percy is telling us himself that the Minotaur killed his mom
  • This is indirect because Percy doesnt say Annabeth is giving him a tour of the camp but the narrator did.
  • This is Annabeth giving Percy a tour of the camp
  • Would you take Percy from here?yes sir
  • This is direct because percy is telling us who his father.
  • This Posedian he's my father!
  • My father? I asked, compelety bewildered. Poseidon
  • This is direct because Percy doesnt say that his father is poseidon but the narrotor does
  • Poseidon
  • My father? I asked, compelety bewildered. Poseidon
  • Percy lives in the Poseidon cabin because his father is the god Posedion
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