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newspaper articles storyboard.

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newspaper articles storyboard.
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  • newspaper articles Headlnebylinedatelead paragraphdevelopment paragraph
  • 1. A title must be catchy2. you need to indicate who wrote the article, byline.3. lead paragraph includes the information that answers the 5w.
  • Introduction Cell 1: Recapping on the previous lesson
  • On the board I have a newspaper article, please use labels provided to label the article.
  • From the labels we were using what do you remember about the different parts of the newspaper article
  • principle 1: communication
  • Frame 3: The writing process
  • writing processa) Planning– use a mind map to outline the information you want to include.b)Drafting– write a draft keeping in mind the key features.c)Revising– read over your draft to check for possible errors.d)Editing– edit your work and ask a friend to read it out to you in case they might picksome things in your work just to create room for improvement.e)Presenting
  • Today we are writing our own news paper articles and as we write please be mindful of the steps on the board. your article should follow the format of the news article we looked at.
  • principle 5& principle 7 : creativity
  • frame 5: presenting ( one learner comes to the front and reads to the class)
  • News reading timeA reporter will come to the front and give us the news while we all listen and try to assist the reporter in her report writing
  • So, I wrote about Funda as a center of excellence, my title goes "Funda Makes a Mark."
  • funda ma...
  • so for the next activity, i will ask you three of you to take turns giving to report on what you wrote, we are all going to listen and engage in a feedback activity.
  • principle 8: communication, collaboration.
  • Let us look at the other components of the newspaper article, so that we are sure of what is expected of us.
  • frame 2: discussion on the features of the news article
  • The 5W,1H questions mentioned what does the w's stand for and the H.
  • 4. developing paragraph contains additional important details.
  • the 5w,h questions are who, what, where, why, when and how.
  • I have been going around looking at your writing. Please, think carefully about the use of language, the choices of words used must be facts. one more thing please look at your first paragraph and see if you can get answers to the 5w, 1h questions as we have discussed.
  • frame 4: writing process (the teacher guides learners thinking and reflection by questioning and giving prompting comments.)
  • prompting learners and guiding they reflection on their own writing.
  • frame 6: feedback (the learners and the teacher are working on feedback to the 1st presentation and would do the same for al the three.
  • Ma'am i think he could have told us about the sponsors of the language festival, or maybe the competitors Funda ujable competed with
  • he also mentioned that it seemed like Funda was cruising in the competition on his article. I think it would be more convincing if he wrote that as a fact than an assumption.
  • thank you so much learner 1. what would you like to add to his beautiful news report?
  • What are the other components of a news article before we move on to the writing process
  • principle 2: communication
  • The developing paragraph contains additional important details. it comes after the lead paragraph.
  • principle 4: communication
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