I have an egg. The surface of the street is super hot because of radiation from the sun.
Slidkalniņš: 6
NO!!!!!!! Now the radiation is going cook my egg.
I am going to leave my toy car outside over night to see what happens.
Slidkalniņš: 7
Now, my egg is cooked.
oooooow it must be from the radiation sun.
Slidkalniņš: 8
The next day
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I am back to check on the car and it has been suny all day.
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Slidkalniņš: 11
I am going to dole water.
Slidkalniņš: 12
I am filling the pot with water so I can dole the water.
Slidkalniņš: 13
I put the pot on the stove.
Slidkalniņš: 14
wo it made steam.
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Slidkalniņš: 16
convectionthe movement caused within a fluid by the tendency of hotter and therefore less dense material to rise, and colder , denser material to sink under the influence of gravity, which consequently results in transfer of heat.RADIATIONradiation Thermal radiation, process by which energy, in the form of electromagnetic.
Slidkalniņš: 17
conduction the transfer of heat through matter by communication of kinetic energy from particle to particle with no net displacement.
Slidkalniņš: 18
conduction the transfer of heat through matter by communication of kinetic energy from particle to particle with no net displacement.
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