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Astral Sea Storyboard

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Astral Sea Storyboard
Storyboard That

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Izmēģiniet to bez maksas!

Izveidojiet savu Storyboard

Izmēģiniet to bez maksas!

Montāžas Teksta

  • Exposition
  • Rising Action
  • Rising Action pt.2
  • An opening shot with the protagonist, Orion, making his way to school, upon leaving his house, showing the title screen. He makes it to the school gates and tries his best to ignore someone getting harassed from the three local bullies, Chad, Chuck and Adrian. He feels a sense of regret for not being help the victim, but he doesn't want to get involved either. He meets up with his friend, Ruby and ends up overhearing about a new game that has gotten really popular, Astral Sea. The school day goes by as Orion manages to narrowly avoid getting picked on by the bullies.
  • Conflict
  • He makes it back home and gets on his computer to do some homework, but he soon gets side tracked when he thinks back about the game. He soon falls to his curiosity and searches up Astral Sea. Upon reading the reviews and doing some research, he decides to download the game and makes an account. He looks around the character selection menu for a bit before finding the Alchemist class, he decides that its perfect and names his avatar Albedo. He's thrust into the main city, unfamiliar but ready to give the game a try.
  • Conflict pt.2
  • After becoming familiar with the game system he soon discovers that the in game money, Gold, is extremely rare. This is due to the fact that 100 pieces of gold can be redeemed for $1. However, if your character dies, you lose everything and the character is deleted. Fearing the worst and almost dying straight away from his first dungeon, Albedo decides that selling potions is instead a better idea. Sure enough, people begin to line up to buy his potions, as no one wants to risk dying and losing everything.
  • Climax
  • Albedo's potion shop and services become hugely successful, and Orion's confidence skyrockets. He soon finds out that Chuck is targeting Ruby. He musters up his resolve and stands up to Chuck, sacrificing his quiet life in order to stop the harassment. The teachers intervene before the situation escalates, but Chuck lets his tongue slip and mentions Chris, which piques Orion's interest, as Chris had been missing for a few weeks.
  • Orion follows Chuck after school and finds a house filled with computers. After some snooping, he discovers that Chris being threatened and held against his will to play Astral Sea to make money for the Chad and his gang. Chuck is reprimanded for getting caught, but it's shook off when Chuck offers up some money he got from Ruby. Orion then realises he has to make a move. He takes a photo, which almost lead to him getting caught with an intense chase scene, but he gets away safely.
  • At home, Orion realises that he needs to do something fast. He calls the school and informs them about Chris' condition. He's told to call the police, but needs to buy time so that the police can find the location and so that Chad and his gang don't escape. He raillies with Ruby, who ingame is an archer by the name Atlanta, storm the in game location of Chad's base, which he uses to farm Gold. After some sneaking around, Albeo and Atlanta breach the defences and squares off against the three bullies, who use Chris' avatar, Crux, as a meat shield to protect them. The fight goes poorly and our heroes are on the brink of failure, but Crux steps up and defends the pair. Albedo, filled with determination, uses a massive chuck of his health to unleash a massive blast, defeating the bullies and saving his friends
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