I got you my slime pretty much you gotta kill your dad.
Clovis the 1 talking to the son of Sigibert on how he can become king. The way is to kill his father. But what the prince doesnt now is that Clovis wants the throne as well
Ok but how should I kill him and make it look like an accident
Ayo Fr that easy bet dawg
Dont worry my slime I got you but you gotta go watch no cap
After discussing the plans with Clovis the prince will accompany assasins to watch his fathers death. Kinda dark but hey this is the story.
Yo nice shot my guy I wanna be like you when i grow up
You can be anything you want. But epic plot twist I gotta kill you now
Ahhhh shut, the assassin just cross mapped the king himself Sigibert and now is about to kill the prince. Will the prince survive? No he will not
Our heros story comes to a tragic end after getting backstabbed by the on he trusted most in Clovis
Ha imagine getting backstabbed by the one you trusted the most
Dang man thats crazy how did I not see this coming
My lord Clovis the deed is done the old king and the prince are dead
Great job my servant Now I shall rule this kingdom for as long as I live
Clovis gets the news of the king and princes deaths and now will take over a d rule and make his visions come true
Clovis is making an an anouncement the the old king and prince have perished in a terrible accident and now he announces himself as the new king
My people its a very tragic day, the old prince and king have perished. However I Clovis the 1st will be taking over as king and will be rebuilding this wonderful empire