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Rogue Wave

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Rogue Wave
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  • Exposition
  • Conflict
  • Rising Action
  • A sunny day in the old Sea Dog on the Pacific Ocean in Baja California.The caracters include Sully and Scoot, Sully is 14 years old and Scoot is 19 years old.Scoot was laerning how to be a deep-water sailor and Sully was a good teacher.
  • Falling Action
  • The conflict is when a massive wave head for the boat, and Scoot was in the galley the wave turned the boat upside down, trapping Scoot inside.
  • Climax
  • Scoot with the only air she had found a knife and used it to against the boat.Sully hear it and was trying to tell her to try the skylight, even though she could not understand.
  • Resolution
  • Scoot subconsciously heard Sully telling her to try the skylight, so she did.She kept diving and diving to try to break it, she push with all her strength and the skylight opened this time.
  • When she broke free, she and Sully held in eachside of the boat all night.Sully and Scoot waited awhile, but they couldn't see anyone near.
  • Finally a sport boat showed up, approached and went to pick Sully and Scoot.Then the captain, Mark Stevens picked them both up on the boat and took them safety.
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