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Indus river

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Indus river
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  • The Indus river is located in Pakistan, in Asia
  • This happened around 1300 BCE
  • Mohenjo-Daro was also located near the civilization
  • Most of the Indus River homes had flat roofs, and that was where the people could relax because if was very hot near the river.
  • The toilet holes would be flushed by emptying a jar of water, drawn from the house's central well
  •  Most people think that bathrooms would have been used for special religious functions where water was used to purify and renew the well being of the bathers.
  • They could also use the bath to relax and clean themselves
  • the great bath was mainly used for religious practice
  • seals were used to make sealings or a positive imprint
  • sealings were sometimes used for trade
  • The Indus people were greatly reliant on trade. They traded with many different civilizations like Persia, Mesopotamia and China.
  • some goods that were traded are terracotta pots, beads, gold, silver, colored gems
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