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Izmēģiniet to bez maksas!

Montāžas Teksta

  • This is impossible I don`t think I will be able to meet these demands.
  • I`m afraid what I have mentioned must be done unless you want us to take this matter to the CCMA
  • Oh no Miss Cindy there is no need for us to take it that far. I think I can try by all means and try talk to the management to see what we can possibly do to meet with these demands
  • I would like to get the answer now because the wait has been long, my people have been complaining to you but nothing positive coming on your side. So I kindly ask of you to give us the answer as in now.
  • Okay okay okay , I see we will just go back and forth here. It`s fine I acknowledge everything and I agree to execute to the demands
  • I hope you understand Mr Smith but we also want what is due to us.
  • Thank you so much. We appreciate your assistance and hopefully we will not meet anytime soon for a meeting like this one.
  • Tension arises between Mr Smith and Miss Cindy, Mr Smith does not seem to be in line with what the organiser( Miss Cindy) is implying. miss Cindy on the other hand threatens Mr Smith of taking him to CCMA.
  • It is my pleasure people. Can I now be excused
  • Thank you for that Mr Smith.
  • You may leave Mr Smith Thank you again for your time.
  • Thank you Sir.
  • Mr Smith comes with a sort of suggestion to take this matter to management trying to delay the process but Miss Cindy does not give him the chance to manipulate them.
  • Oh Wow at last! So happy.
  • All settled guys! This was a long meeting indeed but at least we managed to get the assistance. Let me leave and love you good people
  • Thank you so much Miss Cindy you`ve ready helped us, we appreciate your help
  • An agreement is made the employer and the organiser reach to agree on the terms that were put forward.
  • oh guys at last!
  • I`m so happy you can`t imagine. After work lets go grab something to eat to celebrate!
  • Everyone is happy with the agreement, Miss Cindy thanks Mr Smith for the time. The meeting is adjourned.
  • Members thank Miss Cindy and they appreciate the support, guidance and assistance she offered.
  • Jannette is over the moon, Thembi proposes a eat out after work she feels like this needs a celebration because they have been through the most. They are all happy that at last they will have their UIFs, Provident funds and medical aid in order...
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