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King David

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King David
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  • David is a kind, loving shepherd who cares for his animals. He is the eighth and youngest son of Jesse from the kingly tribe of Judah.
  • I love you guys
  • The prophet Samuel approaches David and asks him to be King Saul's harp player. David happily took his offer and went off to be King Saul's harp player.
  • Hello, can you please be King Saul's harp player?
  • Sure :)
  • When David was playing the harp for King Saul it made him happy - Saul kept him as a musician. After David did this it made himself gain some popularity in the public
  • *** Music getting played ***
  • I like you, I am going to keep you as a musician
  • David destroys a 9-foot giant named Goliath with just a few sticks and stones. This gains himself popularity and he is liked more by the public
  • This is the end of you Goliath
  • David was successful in many battles against the philistines. This made David more popular and liked by the public. After David did this it made King Saul jealous.
  • Unlucky champ
  • You won't get me this time Saul
  • As David was having lots of success and gaining popularity in the pubic, Saul became very jealous of David. This caused Saul to try and assassinate David with a spear - he was unsuccessful.
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