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Unknown Story

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Unknown Story
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  • Todays topic The Renaissance
  • Have you ever wondered how people printed books 800 years ago without modern technology? Johannes Gutenberg impacted the Renaissance by creating the printing press. It revolutionized the book making process in the Renaissance in many ways.
  • Gutenberg's invention itself is really interesting, he made a big and long lasting impact on the world with just one printing press.
  • One of my biggest achievements was the printing press I invented. It revolutionized the process of making books. Along with the printing press I invented the movable type. The printing press used the movable type to be able to print words and sentence on paper faster.
  • I was born from a wealthy family, and as I grew up I went to the University of to study goldsmithing. When I was younger I had gotten the skill of metal working.
  • In my opinion, I think Johannes Gutenberg has made such a big impact on the world and the Renaissance. Johannes Gutenberg Impacted the renaissance by creating the printing press, it revolutionized the book making process in the renaissance and it still has made an impact on modern society today.
  • I made it easier for less wealthy people to have books and learn from books. I did this by inventing the printing press, It could print books way faster than before and it was cheaper.
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