Maya is a 14 year old girl and she is also a gymnast. Maya is going to nationals in two days she is very nervous. She really likes her routine, but the only thing she likes about it is her music!
Maya is to going to stretch before she practices her beam routine.
She was very confused and upset, she knew she had to find her missing disc (song)
After Maya stretched she went to turn on her music but to her surprise it wasn't her music playing it was a different song. She opened it to look at the disc but it was a disc she had never seen before.
After practice Maya goes back to school to get her book she left on the floor. But when she was about to leave after getting what she needed she hears her music that she lost at practice and she goes asks a custodian who was cleaning where the music was coming from.
Excuse me sir do you know where that music is coming from?
Yes it is playing in the storage room for some reason. It's down the hall to the right, but be careful the last few times people went in there a strange portal poped up".