A Warm and welcoming space, a safe, inclusive waiting room for everyone to feel relaxed and calm waiting for their appointment
Montāžas Teksta
The Outpatient Tower
Which Floor?
1st Floor
Arrival to the 7th Floor
Where's the check-in desk?
It's over there!
7th Floor
Arrive at the Reception desk
Endocrinology Clinic
Welcome to Clinic! My name's Lisa.
Feedback, QR Code
The Waiting Room
This doesn't feel like a hospital!
The Waiting Room, part 2
Sam is called for his appointment
Hi, My name is Sarah, welcome to clinic!
Endocrinology Clinic
QR Code, Feedback
Transgender Client, Sam and his Mum arrive at the Outpatient tower and work out which floor the clinic is on.
We made it! Now where do we go? Where do we check-in and where is the Waiting Room? The area feels warm and they start to relax.
Sam and his Mum are greeted by the Unit Clerk who completes the check-in for his appointment. She confirms his preferred name and pronouns. The desk is clearly identified and there is an opportunity to provide feedback.
A warm welcoming wait. Warm colors, a homely environment which provides an opportunity for relaxation. QR code on the wall which links to the AHS LGBTQ2S+ page. Magazines and reading available for anyone while they wait.
A large mural across the wall showing the LGBTQ2+ community that this is a safe space where they will not feel harassed. It shows all other patients/ clients and their familiy members exiting the elevators on the 7th floor our support and care for everyone.
Sam is welcomed back to his clinic appointment. The nurse introduces herself and checks his preferred name and pronouns. She reminds him about the QR code which allow him to provide feedback. There are paper feedback forms provided as well if he prefers this method.