Page 72 and 73; Chief Elder skipped over Jonas' Number . Jonas hung his head in shame, wondering what he could've done wrong.
What could I have done wrong?
Page 74; Seeing Jonas be the only one left on stage and the only one who didn't get an assignment created tension, fear, and confusion between the audience and Jonas.
Page 76; Chief Elder fixed her eyes on the current receiver who was watching Jonas with a very serious expression. He was sitting with the committee of elders and was sitting in the middle.
"We have had our current receiver for a very long time... "
Page 78 and 79; Chief Elder rests her hand on Jonas' shoulder as she lists the qualities needed to become a receiver of memory. The qualities were intelligence, integrity, courage, wisdom, and the capacity so see beyond.
Page 80; Chief Elder left the stage. She left Jonas alone as he stood there and faced the crowd, practically trembling with fear.
Page 80-81; The crowd chants Jonas' name after learning his assignment. Jonas felt a mixture of PRIDE and FEAR.