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Tracking Your Wellness and Physical Activities!

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Tracking Your Wellness and Physical Activities!
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  • Total Wellness & Stress
  • Total wellness is a person's total wellbeing and is made up of a person's physical, social and mental/emotional being!
  • Mental/ Emotional Wellness Physical Wellness Social Wellness
  • Physical Wellness & SMART Goals
  • My goal is to run at 5mph 2 days a week until next year...
  • Trainings & Assessments
  • It seems that my sit and reach measurement is 19 inches..
  • Exercising has always been an important key in life, but the best way to do it efficiently is to make a plan!
  • Total wellness is the accumulation of a person's physical, social, and mental/emotional wellness or well-being. Each of these wellnesses play a key point in a person's life, whether that be exercising, talking to a friend, dealing with stressful times, and much more. Social wellness is defined as the understanding and meeting the needs of others, as well as interacting and listening to those around you (friends, family, strangers, etc). Mental/emotional wellness are two different things that come together to measure a person's comfortableness in environments, people, and overall surroundings, while also measuring how a person deals with situations in life. For example, a main way to measure mental/emotional wellness is how a person deals with stress. Stress is something that everyone deals in life, and seeing how people manage and control it is important. It can come in many different forms like stressing about a project or being faced with a death in the family, but it's very crucial to figure out how to make it not control their well-being. Stress has 3 different stages which is the alarm stage (flight or fight response choice), resistance stage (fight response), and the exhaustion stage (longing period of time). Knowing how coping mechanisms like talking to others, counting to ten, giving yourself space, and much more will help in the long run and help increase that mental/emotional and social wellness.
  • Considerations & Calories
  • Physical wellness is a wellness that is often noticed, but overall overlooked during many people's lives. Physical wellness is defined as the balance of physical fitness, proper nutrition, and overall mental well-being. It's important in keeping bodies functioning, and improves overall wellness and decreases many risks to one's health. Physical fitness is divided into 5 types of factors which are body composition, flexibility, muscular endurance, muscular strength, and cardiovascular endurance. When decided when to exercise, it's important to identify which exercises a person wants to do in order to work efficiently. Having a balance of all 5 of these factors of fitness when exercising is the best in becoming physically fit and physically well. An amazing way into trying to become physically well or just mentally/emotionally & socially well is setting goals, or SMART goals. SMART goals are very good ways to create goals if someone faces a problem, wants to achieve something, and many other different ways by answering 5 questions. SMART stands for the questions: Is it specific (clear to understand), measureable (determining a numerical value), achievable (can it be accomplished), realistic/relevant (possibility & important), and time-bound (start & end date)?There are many good examples of true SMART goals like one that states, "I will run 4 days a week, for 30 minutes each day for one month." If someone is having problems trying to be physically fit, or overall need to set goals for themselves, then setting these SMART goals is a good way to begin.
  • Body Composition & Injuries
  • I wish I could play with my friends but I hurt my leg pretty bad..."
  • There are 3 different training types for fitness exercising which are cardiovascular, resistance, and flexibility trainings. Cardiovascular or cardio exercises trains the body by using blood and oxygen to exercise. For example, running, swimming, jogging, and much other exercises are best categorized as cardio exercises. Cardio also goes deeper into aerobic and anaerobic exercises, but also low, medium and high intensity. In order to find the best exercises to use, it's important to know what your heart rate is and overall fitness level. Resistance training is defined as exercises that use external resistance against a specific muscles or group of muscles. dumbbells, push-ups, resistance bands, body weight, machines, and many others are identified as resistance muscles. Flexibility trainings are known as exercises that use a person's joints to increase their range of motion (ROM). Many different stretches like static & dynamic stretching, SMR, and many others that help release tension in the muscles would be considered flexibility training. A perfect way to help assess health and overall fitness levels is using objective and subjective assessments. While subjective assessments ask personal questions like diet and conditions, objective assessments ask general questions like weight, resting heart rate (RHR), blood pressure, BMI (body mass index/weight to height), and circumference measurements. There are also many different fitness measurements like the one mile run, curl-up/sit-up test, push up test, sit and reach, and many more. Each of these assessments can help someone in their fitness activities as they develop further and further.
  • Dietary Choices & Overall Lifestyle
  • Fitness is a very important factor in life as it affects both your health and mental well-being. Every activity affects your whole lifestyle, and making sure that your base is strong just like this pyramid will make sure that you have a low risk of disease and an overall healthy person! :)
  • Aerobic Activities 
  • Muscular activities
  • Rest
  • Flexibility activities
  • Aerobic Sports
  • When deciding what sport to choose to get that important fitness exercising, choosing what works for one's self is always an important factor. Many important things come into mind like health conditions, environmental factors, and even just personal questions like why are they choosing the sport, what will help them drive to continue doing the sport and much more. Weather can be a big problem for most as they may live in a certain area that gets too much heat or becomes really cold. With those problems can come with risks like heat stroke, frostbite, heat exhaustion, hypothermia, and much more. For some, playing at night may be a preference as it's usually colder at night and there is less sweat, and much less bright outside, and for others, the preference may be at the day time. Which ever preference it may be, it's always important to make sure that the sport being played is fun and enjoyable for themselves. It's also important to know about how many calories are being burned when playing. Caloric balance is the term used for the amount a person gain calories to the amount a person loses calories. The most basic understanding is: if a person burns more calories than they gain, they lose weight, and if the person gains more calories than they lose, they gain weight. No matter what action a person does, they will lose some form of calories in how little or how big that it may be (the term would be called basal metabolic rate). Calories are a major thing that needs to be kept track of during a person's life.
  • The number one priority that should come when thinking about what sport to play is if that sport is fun for you!
  • Body shapes is a very strong topic that goes through many different people's minds. No matter what, it's always important to know that a person's body shape is always special and unique, and sometimes it may just be genetics and fitness won't be able to solve the problem. Onto the main topic, there are 3 different types of body types which are ectomorph (slender slight build with little muscles and low fat), endomorph (large, soft bulging build), and mesomorph (muscular, solid, large-boned physique). Each of these body fats all come together in body composition which is identified as the percentages of muscle, bone, fat, and water. Many things affect body composition like metabolism, caloric balance, and overall eating habits. While body composition is very important, injuries are another important thing to look after. Like stress, injuries will always occur throughout life, and are unavoidable when doing physical activities. It's most important to know that if a person is injured, it should not be overlooked (especially a serious injury) as it may limit their physical abilities and might worsen the condition. Medical treatment should be a go-to, and it's always important to do warm-ups, cool-downs, stretching, and many more techniques to limit the risk. Injuries come in many different forms like blisters, muscles strains, muscles sprains, and many more. Treating the affected area with heat, ice (but not directly, RICE (rest, ice, compression, elevation), etc are all good ways to help heal the injury. Injuries come in many shapes in form, so warming up and cooling down is the best way to limit it.
  • Dietary habits begin at very young ages, and as life goes on, those habits begin to develop a whole relationship with food. Exercising using different techniques like cardio and resistance, and overall trying to keep a person's wellness up is very important, but food is a very big thing in people's lives. With the development of internet and advertisement, foods that are extremely bad and unhealthy have been consumed at alarming rates. With this rates going up as days go by, obesity (which is defined as a condition characterized of an excessive accumulation of fat inside the body) rates have spiked up as well since 1985. Obesity leads to many different risks like heart disease, type 2 diabetes, stroke, certain cancers, and many more. People are always in control of their own choices, and it's best not to be swayed by others and to make their own decisions. It's good to choices healthy foods that are nutrient dense (high in vitamins and minerals) like nuts, vegetables, whole grains, and many more. Keeping away from foods that have "empty calories", trans-fat, saturated fat, and most definitely foods with high-fructose corn syrup ( a very addictive additive put in many different foods). Picking the obvious health option, and at times having those unhealthy food is an neutral way of having a good balance between healthy and unhealthy. Reading the amount of sugar, calories, carbohydrates, and fat is the main factors to look out for in food labels. Dieting is also a good way to cut back the unhealthy foods, but there are some diets that can cause many different risks. To conclude, getting this total wellness up, making good goals, creating plans for fitness, picking the best sport for one's self, reducing injuries, and keeping a good nutritional balance are big key factors that must never be unnoticed.
  • Lifestyle Activities  
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