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The Uber Driver

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The Uber Driver
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  • I was having an amazing time at Prom. We danced the night away, enjoyed some refreshments, and overall had a lot of fun. While it got close to getting late, I decided to call an uber.
  • Once the uber arrived, I waved bye to my friend and got in. Once I got in the car, I yawned. I laid back and felt my eyes slowly close. Suddenly, I fell asleep.
  • I rubbed my eyes and looked out the window to a familiar landscape. "A street away," I mumbled to myself. As the uber drive approached my street, he turned left. "Hey, my street was on the right." He kept his silence and continued on. I tapped his shoulder to get his attention. Before I knew it, I heard his arm shift to the door and he locked the doors and windows. I gulped and said softly, "Where are you taking me?"
  • When he pulled into the alley, he stopped abruptly and unlocked the door. I quickly opened it and made my escape. He chased after me with an angry expression. The heels made it hard to run, but I seemed faster than him.
  • I ran through the city until I saw the police station in the distance. I felt the rain run through my hair with relief.
  • I cried hysterically but still managed to tell the story. He took notes and assured me that they would find him. I felt relief because I escaped but I was still traumatized by the thought of what could've happened.
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