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physical science comic

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physical science comic
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Montāžas Teksta

  • What was that
  • Democritus i have come from future Ancient Greece to tell you your theories about atoms are wrong
  • what do you mean my theories are wrong
  • what you theorized just sounds crazy everything isn't made up of atoms
  • actually everything is made up of atoms but there are specific rules to that theory in a way
  • My great grandfather John Dalton and others like Ernest Rutherford and Niels Bohr came up with more theories to add onto yours and make it more accurate
  • Ernest Rutherford had the Nuclear Model and he also did the gold foil experiment he also found out that atoms have positively and negatively charge particles
  • John Dalton actually came up with the fact that elements are made of atoms and that an atom is a solid sphere that doesn't get smaller with his Solid Sphere Model
  • Finally Niels Bohr and his Bohr model found out that Electrons are negatively charged and they traveled in a fixed orbital but that was later debunked
  • Well i gotta get going nice to meet some famous guys from the past bye!
  • wow i never knew how much stuff they add onto what we say in the future
  • Yea next time i'll travel to the future to learn about the rest of these theories and the guys that made them
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