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Spirit Bear Comics

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Spirit Bear Comics
Storyboard That

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Montāžas Teksta

  • Hello! I'm Mellow!
  • Meet Mellow the Spirit bear! A rare Canadian BLACK bear who is WHITE..
  • Why don't you guess!
  • But.. What purpose does your white fur serve in a temperate rainforest?
  • No, I hate those racially motivated cosmetics!
  • Uh..Okay! Are you white because you use fairness creams?!
  • No way, I make my own fashion statements, buddy!
  • Are you trying to copy the polar bear?!
  • Well..
  • Then what is it??!!
  • Yup!
  • We can hunt Salmon more successfully than you all because during daylight the fish are twice as likely to evade the grasp of a black predator as a white one!!
  • WOW!
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