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The tempest

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The tempest
Storyboard That

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Izmēģiniet to bez maksas!

Montāžas Teksta

  • OH NO!
  • Yes!
  • Can you help me?
  • Prospero(KIng) and her daughter(Miranda)s' ship has crushed by magic revenge. So they are at the island.
  • Prospero rescued Areal, a spirt who trapped in the tree.
  • Prospero goes to see Caliban, Prospero's slave otherwise, Miranda met Ferdinand and fall in love.
  • Caliban mets Stephano and Triculo and they decide to kill Prospero and take over the island. But Arie;, whom changed as a Harpy found them.
  • He agrees that Miranda and Ferdinand can marry then sends spirit hounds to chase Caliban trio.
  • Prospero frees Ariel and return to Naples.
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