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Archeological Record

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Archeological Record
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  • Hey Kids! Did you know there is a body of material and information” about the past that has survived for archeologist to study today? Its called the archeological record!
  • It is complete with both physical record of materials and context of the archaeological information. The physical record helps archeologist use the past material and information to find associations or relationships between objects and sites to piece together human history.
  • Let me show you!
  • But what have they used it for?
  • Development of societies, we are able to track cultural development for example in the Upper Paleolithic the appearance of decorating and/or carving bone and antlers as figurines of humans and animals.
  • Monte Verde recorded stone artifacts to provide a look at early versions of tools and equipment rare to the archaeology record.
  • During the early postglacial, a shift from hunting and gathering to sedentary homes and occupations, the development of technology, settlements, and practices are preserved in the record. Sedentary occupations are known from a number of areas, including the Middle Archaic inNorth America, and the Mesolithic of northern Europe.And another track through a time of human cultural development there was a Recorded change in food, a shift to more diversified plants and foods, nutshells are very visible in the archaeological record.
  • DocumentedTrade and Exchange by findings of exotic goods, bracelets, beads, and shells showing up far from any water or point of origin. Full settlement developments, more than 25 villages in the Valley of Oaxaca. Even including San José Mogote had multiple public buildings
  • That’s so cool! It’s a physical timeline of history!
  • Yes! The record will never be finished or complete and contains the explanation to many questions and the beginning of even more answers…
  • Do they still have it today?
  • But the archaeological record is at risk today. Due to growing populations, global economies, modern cities, and transportation the archeological record is disappearing in many areas. Archeologists work very hard at sites to preserve the materials that are irreplaceable to the scientific understanding of our ancestral history.
  • For example, social and political inequality was present at the sites of El Paraíso and Chavín de Huánta.
  • The answers that lie in the archeological record offer history in topics that are relevant today and have existed and survived throughout time in the record.
  • The solutions and understanding to the questions of our beginnings lie in the archaeological record.
  • WOW!
  • The Archeological Record
  •  Grace Carter
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