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Montāžas Teksta

  • , the government was unable to provide basic services such as education and healthcare, and many Mexicans were forced to live in poverty and lack access to basic necessities.
  • the government was unable to provide basic services for me such as, education and healthcare, and many-other Mexicans were forced to live in poverty like me and lack access to basic necessities like food and water.
  • The Mexican Revolution began in 1910 and lasted until 1920. It was a conflict between the people of mexico and the Mexican Government During this period, the people of Mexico were pushed to the brink of poverty and inequality was a big issue Madero was elected President and attempted to implement his vision of a democratic Mexico.However, Madero’s rule was short-lived
  • The Mexican Revolution began in 1910 and lasted until 1920. It was a conflict between the people of mexico and the Mexican Government During this period, the people of Mexico were pushed to the brink of poverty and inequality was a big issue Madero was elected President and attempted to implement his vision of a democratic Mexico.However, Madero’s rule was short-lived
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