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The Dutch Influence on Indonesian food from the Dutch colonization

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The Dutch Influence on Indonesian food from the Dutch colonization
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  • We should make a dish using the coconuts all over this Island!
  • The story starts when the Dutch came to Indonesia and colonized it for 3 and a half centuries. In those 3 and a half centuries, the Dutch was able to influence Indonesian food.
  • During the Dutch colonization, the Dutch women realized how there are alot of coconuts in the island, and started to experiment using the coconut to create cakes.
  • This flour for the klappertaart helps create a moist and soft texture.
  • One of the main ways how Klappertaart was spread around Indonesia was that , the Dutch women would make it for their husbands with the help from native Indonesian women. Making them awear of the recipe of klappertaart.
  • I got milk, specifically condensed milk. To create a more flavorful taste.
  • What Ingredients did you get for the klappertaart?
  • Klappertaart is a coconut dish which was originated in North Celebes, Manado. The "klapper" in klappertaart is from kelapa and the "taart" is cake in Dutch. It has influence from dutch ingredients such as flour, milk and raisins and is created using inspiration from Dutch baking techniques.
  • Dutch influenced the use of wheat for Indonesian food and that is because they consumed it very often and became a habit and this started to adapt on Indonesian food.
  • Believed that the Dutch Influenced the use of a type of dairy which is milk.Dutch people often added milk to their food and that influenced this Indonesian dish and also to be used more in Indonesian ingredients.
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