Willie saw a homeless man in the street and he felt bad for him, but his mother said that Willie can't talk to him.
Slidkalniņš: 2
Willie and his mother start talking about the unhappiness of Mrs. Markham while eating a piece of cake.
Slidkalniņš: 3
Willie went to his mother bedroom and asked his mother if he can go outside but his mother was sleeping.
I'm going out
Slidkalniņš: 4
A lady leading a dog by a leash went by. The dogs trained in the direction of the man sitting on the crate. Histail wagged.The dog had done exactly what Willie had done when his mother told him not to stare.
Slidkalniņš: 5
Pressing deep into his pocket, Willie found a nickel. He wondered how much happiness you could rent for a nickel. Willie walked slowly toward the man. When he came before him, he stopped, suddenly nervous. The man, who appeared to be looking at the ground, did not move his eyes. He smelled bad.
God bless you!
Slidkalniņš: 6
That day in school Willie’s teacher had told the class about a kind of fish that lived in caves. These fish could not see. They had no eyes. The teacher had said it was living in the dark cave that made them like that.