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Mexico Gains Independence

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Mexico Gains Independence
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Izmēģiniet to bez maksas!

Montāžas Teksta

  • Louisiana Purchase
  • Sure! Do you want all of the land?
  • 15 Million for it.
  • YES!
  • Can I have New Orlins?
  • Deal!
  • Mexico citizens Unhappy
  • And my job pays barley enough to survive.
  • Another one of these TAXES! I don"t think we can afforded to pay this anymore John.
  • Father Miguel Hidalgo
  • YEAH!
  • We need a REVOLUTION !!!
  • The U.S bought Louisiana area from the french for 15 million dollars.
  • Filibusters
  • YEA!
  • We need to fight for Mexico and Texas's independence.
  • The Mexicans were unhappy with the classes and the tax overload in their country.
  • Battle of Medina
  • A good rebel is a dead rebel.
  • Ahh!
  • Father Miguel Hidlago is preaching to the lower class in mexico about a Revolution against Spain.
  • Constitution of 1824
  • Power to the people!!
  • I love mexico because now we have a new Constitution.
  • The filibusters were people who wages an unofficial war on countries.For example Gutierrez de Lara and Augustus Magee, got a army together and then made plans for liberation for Texas and Mexico.
  • During the battle of Medina, the Republican Army was able to capture Golaid but a year after, the Spanish got overwhelmed and won a complete victory and most of the rebels either died or ran away and eventually ended up dying anyways.
  • The Constitution of 1824 provided a way for the people of mexico to be treated fairly and spread the power of the government to many people.
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