Students may use this template to identify and label the various places that Sal visited on her cross-country journey with Gram and Gramps. Then on the postcard side, they can choose one place to highlight. They may create a scene, write a description of the place below the picture and then write a postcard from Sal's point of view to someone back in Euclid, OH. She could write to her father, Phoebe, Ben or whoever the students choose!
Montāžas Teksta
Postcards from Sal's Journey!
Type Name of Place Here
Create a picture of one of Sal's stops along her cross-country journey
Write a postcard from Sal's point of view to Dad, Phoebe, Ben, or whoever you want!
Create Stamp Here
Sal's Journey
Walk Two Moons by Sharon Creech
Key:Type the names of the places Sal visited here and add symbols to correspond to the map!
Add symbols to the map for the various places I visited on my cross-country journey with Gram and Gramps!
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