Darbības Pārskats
Veidnes un Klases Instrukcijas
Darbības Pārskats Accordion Arrow

Aktivitātes Pārskats

Lasot mazā prinča piedzīvojumus, studentiem jāseko līdzi dažādajiem personāžiem, kurus viņš satiek, un planētām, kuras viņš apmeklē. Šajā nodarbībā studenti izmantos rakstzīmju karti, lai sekotu katram personāžam un viņa mācītajām nodarbībām. Šo informāciju var pasniegt divos veidos, koncentrējoties vai nu uz dažādajām rakstzīmēm, vai uz septiņām dažādām planētām, kuras apmeklē mazais princis.

Šīs aktivitātes piemērs, instrukcijas, veidne un šīs darbības sadaļa ir piemēroti rakstzīmēm, taču jūs varat viegli mainīt uzdevumu. Turklāt studenti būtu jāmudina aizpildīt savu scenāriju franču valodā.

Veidnes un Klases Instrukcijas Accordion Arrow

Veidņu un Klases Instrukcijas

(Šīs instrukcijas ir pilnībā pielāgojamas. Pēc noklikšķināšanas uz "Kopēt darbību" atjauniniet norādījumus uzdevuma cilnē Rediģēt.)

Studentu instrukcijas

Izveidojiet rakstzīmju karti, lai sekotu Le Petit Prince rakstzīmēm un nodarbībām, kuras viņi māca mazajam princim.

  1. Noklikšķiniet uz "Sākt piešķiršanu".
  2. Katrā kamerā identificējiet rakstzīmes, viņu personību, svarīgās pēdiņas un mācību, ko viņi māca mazajam princim.
  3. Izvēlieties rakstzīmi no jebkuras sadaļas, lai attēlotu katru rakstzīmi.
  4. Pievienojiet papildu ainas vai objektus, kas attēlo vai iet kopā ar katru rakstzīmi.
  5. Saglabājiet un iesniedziet savu scenāriju.

Nodarbība Plāns Atsauces

Rubrika Accordion Arrow


(Savu varat izveidot arī Quick Rubric.)

Le Petit Prince Character Map
Create a storyboard that depicts each character in the story and provides information about their personality, important quotations, and lessons taught.
4 Points
2 Points
1 Points
Character traits
Each character box includes 2-4 appropriate character traits. Nearly all character traits are spelled correctly and agree in number and gender with the character.
Most character boxes include more than one character appropriate character trait. Most character traits are spelled correctly and agree in number and gender with the character.
Boxes only include one character trait or none at all. Many character traits are misspelled or lack proper agreement.
Each character box contains a quotation spoken by or about the character. All quotations are significant and reflect an important moment or character trait.
Most character boxes contain a quotation spoken by or about the character. Most quotations are significant and reflect an important moment or character trait.
Some character boxes are missing quotations or contain quotations that do not connect to the character. Some or all quotations may be of little significance.
Each character box includes a valid lesson that can be derived from the little prince's interactions with that character. The lesson is clearly worded in a complete sentence.
Most of the character boxes include a valid lesson that can be derived from the little prince's interactions with that character. The lessons may lack clarity or be presented in sentence fragments.
Some character boxes are missing lessons and/or include lessons that are not demonstrated by interactions with the featured characters. Many of the lessons lack clarity of expression and/or complete sentences.
All storyboard depictions show effort and appropriately depict the characters.
Most storyboard depictions show effort and appropriately depict the characters.
The storyboard depictions show a lack of effort and fail to provide a reasonable depiction of the character, based on the details in the book.
Grammar and Spelling
All sentences and/or dialogue contain correct grammar and spelling (including accent marks) as appropriate for the class level.
Most sentences and/or dialogue contain correct grammar and spelling (including accent marks) as appropriate for the class level.
The sentences and/or dialogue contain many grammatical or spelling errors (including accent marks).

Aktivitātes Pārskats

Lasot mazā prinča piedzīvojumus, studentiem jāseko līdzi dažādajiem personāžiem, kurus viņš satiek, un planētām, kuras viņš apmeklē. Šajā nodarbībā studenti izmantos rakstzīmju karti, lai sekotu katram personāžam un viņa mācītajām nodarbībām. Šo informāciju var pasniegt divos veidos, koncentrējoties vai nu uz dažādajām rakstzīmēm, vai uz septiņām dažādām planētām, kuras apmeklē mazais princis.

Šīs aktivitātes piemērs, instrukcijas, veidne un šīs darbības sadaļa ir piemēroti rakstzīmēm, taču jūs varat viegli mainīt uzdevumu. Turklāt studenti būtu jāmudina aizpildīt savu scenāriju franču valodā.

Veidņu un Klases Instrukcijas

(Šīs instrukcijas ir pilnībā pielāgojamas. Pēc noklikšķināšanas uz "Kopēt darbību" atjauniniet norādījumus uzdevuma cilnē Rediģēt.)

Studentu instrukcijas

Izveidojiet rakstzīmju karti, lai sekotu Le Petit Prince rakstzīmēm un nodarbībām, kuras viņi māca mazajam princim.

  1. Noklikšķiniet uz "Sākt piešķiršanu".
  2. Katrā kamerā identificējiet rakstzīmes, viņu personību, svarīgās pēdiņas un mācību, ko viņi māca mazajam princim.
  3. Izvēlieties rakstzīmi no jebkuras sadaļas, lai attēlotu katru rakstzīmi.
  4. Pievienojiet papildu ainas vai objektus, kas attēlo vai iet kopā ar katru rakstzīmi.
  5. Saglabājiet un iesniedziet savu scenāriju.

Nodarbība Plāns Atsauces


(Savu varat izveidot arī Quick Rubric.)

Le Petit Prince Character Map
Create a storyboard that depicts each character in the story and provides information about their personality, important quotations, and lessons taught.
4 Points
2 Points
1 Points
Character traits
Each character box includes 2-4 appropriate character traits. Nearly all character traits are spelled correctly and agree in number and gender with the character.
Most character boxes include more than one character appropriate character trait. Most character traits are spelled correctly and agree in number and gender with the character.
Boxes only include one character trait or none at all. Many character traits are misspelled or lack proper agreement.
Each character box contains a quotation spoken by or about the character. All quotations are significant and reflect an important moment or character trait.
Most character boxes contain a quotation spoken by or about the character. Most quotations are significant and reflect an important moment or character trait.
Some character boxes are missing quotations or contain quotations that do not connect to the character. Some or all quotations may be of little significance.
Each character box includes a valid lesson that can be derived from the little prince's interactions with that character. The lesson is clearly worded in a complete sentence.
Most of the character boxes include a valid lesson that can be derived from the little prince's interactions with that character. The lessons may lack clarity or be presented in sentence fragments.
Some character boxes are missing lessons and/or include lessons that are not demonstrated by interactions with the featured characters. Many of the lessons lack clarity of expression and/or complete sentences.
All storyboard depictions show effort and appropriately depict the characters.
Most storyboard depictions show effort and appropriately depict the characters.
The storyboard depictions show a lack of effort and fail to provide a reasonable depiction of the character, based on the details in the book.
Grammar and Spelling
All sentences and/or dialogue contain correct grammar and spelling (including accent marks) as appropriate for the class level.
Most sentences and/or dialogue contain correct grammar and spelling (including accent marks) as appropriate for the class level.
The sentences and/or dialogue contain many grammatical or spelling errors (including accent marks).

Skolotāji un skolēni mūs mīl

Iepazans Skolas Piedvjums


  • 1 Skola
  • 5 skolotāji uz vienu gadu
  • 1 stunda virtuālās PD
30 dienu naudas atdošanas garantija • Tikai jauniem klientiem • Pilna cena pēc iepazīšanās piedāvājuma • Piekļuve ir 1 kalendārajam gadam
*(Tas sāks 2 nedēļu bezmaksas izmēģinājuma versiju - kredītkartes nav nepieciešamas)īmes
© 2025 - Clever Prototypes, LLC - Visas tiesības aizsargātas.
StoryboardThat ir uzņēmuma Clever Prototypes , LLC preču zīme, kas reģistrēta ASV Patentu un preču zīmju birojā.