Tri hlavné postavy v príbehu majú svoju vlastnú jedinečnú identitu. Ally bojuje s poruchami učenia a nechce, aby sa z nej stala jediná vec, pre ktorú ju ľudia poznajú. Keisha je jedno z mála afroamerických detí v triede a Albert je inteligentný a zlé deti ho považujú za čudné.
Ally acted out and constantly got into trouble until Mr. Daniels arrived and showed her that he cares and believes in her. She wanted to make him proud and truly respected him. Mr. Daniels saw Ally for who she was and gave her the confidence to succeed in life, and taught her that people learn in many different ways.
Be Yourself.
Dnes sa budeme učiť o vplyvných ľudí.
It is believed that all of these famous people had dyslexia.