A baby was born into King Laius, and Queen Jocasta's family
We can't let this happen! we must get rid of him
the king and queen bring the baby to an oracle and decide to rid the baby
Your son will murder you, King
I shall leave you here for death
The Shepard had a good heart and could not kill the baby. He leaves him with a pin in his foot
The baby has been discovered in the woods and brought to the King and Queen of Corinth. Who gave him the name Oedipus meaning "swollen foot". They later made him heir of the throne of Corinth
This cant be true!
you will murder your father and marry your mother
Not knowing who he was, Oedipus fled to the oracle to figure it out.
Oedipus left Corinth back to Thebes in hopes to avoid his prophecy, escaping his fate
Days later, heading into Thebes, Oedipus ran into an old man who picked on him, who turns out to be Oedipus's father King Lauis, and Oedipus killed him, he then defeats the Sphinx
Oedipus arrives in Thebes and is made King. He ends up marrying Queen Jocasta and having four kids named Antigone, Ismene, Polynices, and Eteocles.
The plague strikes Thebes, and the community looks at King Oedipus to fix it. Oedipus decides to call Creon , the queens brother
I shall go to the Oracle for guidance
I will do anything to find the murderer
Creon returns from the Oracle and tells Oedipus that Apollo said the killer of King Lauis needs to be banished in order for the plague to be cured
The killer must be banished
Events begin to turn against Oedipus when Tiresias accuses him of killing Lauis. Oedipus doesnt believe him and accuses Creon of killing him.
You, my son, have killed King Lauis
That's impossible, it was Creon
Oedipus realizes he had killed a man, who turned out to be his father. He unknowingly married his mother. The prophecy had come true.
Queen Jocasta was overwhelmed with grief and hung herself, while Oedipus is disgusted and blinds himself
Creon, Etocles, and Polynices turn against Oedipus. Leaving his fate for the gods.
I was born first I deserve the throne
Ismene arrives with news that Oedipus's sons have been fighting over the throne, and Polynices fled to Argos for reinforcement
I need the throne
Antigone delivers a compelling plea on her father's behalf.
I need you to leave my fathers fate for Theseus
Theseus, Antigone, and Ismene accompany Oedipus to the gravesite, Theseus is the only one to witness Oedipus's final moments.
The End...
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