billy blacked out after hearing that sentence. He woke up in a small room he was unawear of.
he starts reading the newspapers he saw on the bed. the two people he saw on the guest book went missing in bath in the same area Billy is in.
he was horrified, he wanted to escape, he was willing to take the chance of jumping out of the small wind 2 stories underneath and hitting really thick, hard glass.
he starts getting a running start, and without no time he jumps right threw the window smashing head first into the glass.
he lands head forst on the floor but bearly manages tio survive. with all the little strength he had he got up and ran as far as his wounds le him go.
some passer byers find him and immidietly call 911. he is taken to hospital but passes out. what he didn't know is that he had a visitor waiting for him, lauging right beside him.
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