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Uyarı: Telif hakkıyla korunan materyalleri (arka plan müziği, film veya televizyon klipleri, vb.) kaydetmeyin.

Storyboard That kendi yaratın

Kelių tiesėjas

Upės gėrėjas

Žaidimas Skinner

Akmens mėtytojas


See Trouble

Jis mokėjo labai greitai tiesti kelius. Jis pastatė kelią, kuriuo broliai galėtų saugiai eiti, norėdami ieškoti savo tėvo.

Jis galėjo išgerti visą upės sausas! Kai Anansi prarijo žuvis, jis gėrė upę, norėdamas patekti į žuvį.

He was able to skin animals for his family. (Ew!) He split open the fish to get to Anansi inside.

He was able to throw stones really, really far! When a falcon took Anansi and started to fly away with him, Stone Thrower hit the falcon with a stone, causing it to release Anansi.

He was very soft, like a cushion. When Anansi fell from the sky, he landed on Cushion safely.

He could see trouble a long way off. He knew that his father was in trouble and alerted the others.

The Six Sons

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