Socialinis ir emocinis mokymasis, arba SEL, yra įgūdžių, reikalingų dideliems jausmams valdyti, santykiams formuoti, savimonei, problemų sprendimui, atsakingiems pasirinkimams ir tikslams kelti, mokymas ir ugdymas. SEL taip pat daug dėmesio skiria atviram bendravimui, socialiniam sąmoningumui ir empatijai.
Socialinis ir emocinis mokymasis – tai įgūdžių, reikalingų dideliems jausmams valdyti, santykiams formuoti, savęs pažinimui, problemų sprendimui, atsakingiems pasirinkimams ir tikslams kelti, mokymas ir ugdymas. SEL taip pat daug dėmesio skiria atviram bendravimui ir empatijai. Sužinokite daugiau Storyboard That!
Students can illustrate the different steps toward making an apology in this social emotional learning activity. Explore other examples of social emotional learning at Storyboard That!
Siužetinės Linijos Tekstas
Nice shirt! It looks like it's for babies!
Oh no, Marissa is upset.
I laughed at Marissa alongside the other girls, and I did not stick up for her.
I should have stuck up for my friend and stood by her side to let her know she's not alone.
Marissa, I am so sorry that I laughed at you. I was nervous around those girls and did not know how to act. I should've told them to stop and comforted you.
I forgive you, Grace. Wanna come over after school?
I'd like that. By the way, I love your shirt!
Something happened that upset someone else.
I need to accept my role and take responsibility for my part in what happened.
I need to think about how I could've responded differently and what to do in a situation like this next time.
I need to make things right and apologize sincerely.
I need to move on and focus on the future.
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