Young girl gets pony as a gift and she is excited about it. At the same time, a young boy who is the same age gets a pony as a gift too.
Late in the Evening
The same girl is now a teen and is in an all girls equestrian competition while the same boy is also a teen now and participating in an all boys equestrian competition too.
Hero Shot: Riding in the Night
Teen girl wins the horse race and so does the teen boy.
Meeting in the Woods
They are both adults now. It's late in the evening and they are petting their horses in their stable when they simultaneously decide to take their horse on a night run.
The camera cuts to a hero shot of man and woman, respectively, riding their horse into the night.
They finally meet in the middle of the woods. Their horses circle each other as they romantically gaze into each other's eyes.
The Chase
The Kiss
It's a Lifestyle
She abruptly rides away and he chases her through the woods into the night.
The chase is suspenseful and she turns through the woods past winding roads and tall trees.
He finally catches her and they have one final look at each other. Then they kiss.