She is Carla Scott. Carla is 20 years old. She is an elementary school teacher. Carla was born in the United States and lives in Spain. Her favorite actress is Esther Expósito and her favorite sport person is Pedri González. She loves soccer and hates cleaning
Carla gets up at 6:00 for breakfast and goes to school arrives at 1:30 lunch and does homework then meets her friends when she gets home she showers dinner and goes to bed
This is Carla Scott. Carla is 20 years old. She is an elementary school teacher. Carla was born in the United States and lives in Spain. Her favorite actress is Esther Expósito and her favorite athlete is Pedri González. She loves soccer and hates cleaning
Her hair is blond, her eyes are brown. Her mouth is small. Her nose is also small. She is short and skinny
She plays soccer. She likes to watch animal programs. She likes to go to the movies on Sundays. She likes to read adventure books. She likes to cook and loves to go for a walk
Carla gets up at 6:00 for breakfast and goes to school arrives at 1:30 she has a lunch and does homework then meets her friends when she gets home she has a shower then she has dinner and goes to bed
Her hair is blond, his eyes are brown. His mouth is small. His nose is also small. It's short and skinny
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