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people, people! please find a row and sit down on the scarlet pews on this cold day. this is not London but i hope you brought a muffler.
so, church. we left off last Sunday were Adam and Eve were tricked by a batty snake.
sounds enchanted!!!
splendid sermon...man
It's night time already!!! I can hear the cold wing hissing at me.
My wife is probably in distress at the moment!
this is a hoax!
oh, look I have a parcel on my front porch by the heather.
when i get in my house I'm going to shave with tongs. I'm done exploring the cold night.
honey why were you out so long! I'm not your housekeeper.
I'm not dominion over you!!! now get your little dwarf butt out of my laundry room!
Okay I get it! what's for dinner or midnight snack? I'm starving.
Get out of here, punks! find somewhere else to be inquisitive
or else I'm going to stuff you in a tiny wardrobe!
yo enchanted, bra. Fine!!!, I'll get out thru these passages, man.
Is that a sledge...nope! just a roll-away wheelchair
this is an imaginary conversation. please stop yelling at me