DC stands for "direct current." This type of current flows in one direction and does not change over time. DC is commonly used in batteries and electronic devices that require a constant source of power. DC can also be converted from AC using electronic devices called rectifiers.
LC stands for "inductance-capacitance." This refers to a type of electrical circuit that uses both inductors and capacitors to regulate the flow of current or voltage. LC circuits are used in many electronic devices, such as filters and oscillators, to control the frequency or amplitude of electrical signals.
However, one of them forgot he had an assignment for his class. Good think he was with his seniors who knew the lesson.
Oh! I get it now! AC refers to current that periodically changes direction and varies in magnitude over time, DC refers to current that flows in one direction and does not change over time, and LC refers to a type of electrical circuit that uses inductors and capacitors to regulate the flow of current or voltage.
You got it!
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