The story starts with the birth of the twin boys. Their mother Rhea Sylvia was the daughter of King Numitor. Their father was the God of War. King Numitor had a brother, Amulius, who wanted the throne to himself so he ordered for the twins to be thrown into the river. However, the servant put the babies in a basket in the river in the hope that someone would rescue them.
Remus is rescued.
Eventually, a she-wolf came to rescue them. The wolf cared for them very much and made sure they were fed and slept.
New kingdom.
Until a Shepperd found them and brought them home to his wife and named them Romulus and Remus.
Remus is dead.
Years later, Remus was captured by Amulius and Romulus made a plan to free his brother, whic he did and then he killed King Amulius.
Instead of becoming Kings they set out to start a new kingdom. However, they disagreed on which hill to build it on.
So they started fighting and Romulus killed Remus! With Remus killed, Romulus decided to build it on the taller hill.
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