Bye Atticus
Calpurnia takes Jem and Scout to the First Purchase, a colored church.
Why did you bring white chillum to colored church?
Atticus leaves for two weeks to attend an emergency session for a political issue.
Some aren't too happy that Calpurnia is bringing white children to a colored church. Scout and Jem experience reverse discrimination.
We are introduced to Calpurnia's son, Zeebo, who is one of the few colored folks in the church who can read, along with Calpurnia
And though most of the folk can't read, they remember the hymns by heart.
Tom Robinson, a long-time member of the First Purchase has been accused of rape and the church is raising money to help his kids and wife. They are determined to raise enough money
Nobody leaves until we raise the ten dollars we need
When Calpurnia, Scout, and Jem arrive home, Aunt Alexandra makes a suprise visit on their porch
Bye Atticus
Calpurnia takes Jem and Scout to the First Purchase, a colored church.
Why did you bring white chillum to colored church?
Atticus leaves for two weeks to attend an emergency session for a political issue.
Some aren't too happy that Calpurnia is bringing white children to a colored church. Scout and Jem experience reverse discrimination.
We are introduced to Calpurnia's son, Zeebo, who is one of the few colored folks in the church who can read, along with Calpurnia
And though most of the folk can't read, they remember the hymns by heart.
Tom Robinson, a long-time member of the First Purchase has been accused of rape and the church is raising money to help his kids and wife. They are determined to raise enough money
Nobody leaves until we raise the ten dollars we need
When Calpurnia, Scout, and Jem arrive home, Aunt Alexandra makes a suprise visit on their porch
Bye Atticus
Calpurnia takes Jem and Scout to the First Purchase, a colored church.
Why did you bring white chillum to colored church?
Atticus leaves for two weeks to attend an emergency session for a political issue.
Some aren't too happy that Calpurnia is bringing white children to a colored church. Scout and Jem experience reverse discrimination.
We are introduced to Calpurnia's son, Zeebo, who is one of the few colored folks in the church who can read, along with Calpurnia
And though most of the folk can't read, they remember the hymns by heart.
Tom Robinson, a long-time member of the First Purchase has been accused of rape and the church is raising money to help his kids and wife. They are determined to raise enough money
Nobody leaves until we raise the ten dollars we need
When Calpurnia, Scout, and Jem arrive home, Aunt Alexandra makes a suprise visit on their porch
Bye Atticus
Calpurnia takes Jem and Scout to the First Purchase, a colored church.
Why did you bring white chillum to colored church?
Atticus leaves for two weeks to attend an emergency session for a political issue.
Some aren't too happy that Calpurnia is bringing white children to a colored church. Scout and Jem experience reverse discrimination.
We are introduced to Calpurnia's son, Zeebo, who is one of the few colored folks in the church who can read, along with Calpurnia
And though most of the folk can't read, they remember the hymns by heart.
Tom Robinson, a long-time member of the First Purchase has been accused of rape and the church is raising money to help his kids and wife. They are determined to raise enough money
Nobody leaves until we raise the ten dollars we need
When Calpurnia, Scout, and Jem arrive home, Aunt Alexandra makes a suprise visit on their porch
Bye Atticus
Calpurnia takes Jem and Scout to the First Purchase, a colored church.
Why did you bring white chillum to colored church?
Atticus leaves for two weeks to attend an emergency session for a political issue.
Some aren't too happy that Calpurnia is bringing white children to a colored church. Scout and Jem experience reverse discrimination.
We are introduced to Calpurnia's son, Zeebo, who is one of the few colored folks in the church who can read, along with Calpurnia
And though most of the folk can't read, they remember the hymns by heart.
Tom Robinson, a long-time member of the First Purchase has been accused of rape and the church is raising money to help his kids and wife. They are determined to raise enough money
Nobody leaves until we raise the ten dollars we need
When Calpurnia, Scout, and Jem arrive home, Aunt Alexandra makes a suprise visit on their porch
Bye Atticus
Calpurnia takes Jem and Scout to the First Purchase, a colored church.
Why did you bring white chillum to colored church?
Atticus leaves for two weeks to attend an emergency session for a political issue.
Some aren't too happy that Calpurnia is bringing white children to a colored church. Scout and Jem experience reverse discrimination.
We are introduced to Calpurnia's son, Zeebo, who is one of the few colored folks in the church who can read, along with Calpurnia
And though most of the folk can't read, they remember the hymns by heart.
Tom Robinson, a long-time member of the First Purchase has been accused of rape and the church is raising money to help his kids and wife. They are determined to raise enough money
Nobody leaves until we raise the ten dollars we need
When Calpurnia, Scout, and Jem arrive home, Aunt Alexandra makes a suprise visit on their porch
Bye Atticus
Calpurnia takes Jem and Scout to the First Purchase, a colored church.
Why did you bring white chillum to colored church?
Atticus leaves for two weeks to attend an emergency session for a political issue.
Some aren't too happy that Calpurnia is bringing white children to a colored church. Scout and Jem experience reverse discrimination.
We are introduced to Calpurnia's son, Zeebo, who is one of the few colored folks in the church who can read, along with Calpurnia
And though most of the folk can't read, they remember the hymns by heart.
Tom Robinson, a long-time member of the First Purchase has been accused of rape and the church is raising money to help his kids and wife. They are determined to raise enough money
Nobody leaves until we raise the ten dollars we need
When Calpurnia, Scout, and Jem arrive home, Aunt Alexandra makes a suprise visit on their porch