Our graph has been passed around for hundreds of years and refined by my ancestors.
the earth is in the center. look at the sun, its going AROUND US!
the earth orbits the sun, I can prove it with Mathematics!
your methods are outdated and have no evidence to support them
my heliocentric (sun centered) model has been refined and studied for decades. My model is also less religious, not relying on zodiacs to place celestial bodies anywhere
the renaissance changed how astrologist saw the solar system. After religion and science were separated scientists and mathematicians alike started developing new theories about our place in the universe. the old evaluations of our solar system were heavily influenced by religion, but the renaissance changed peoples minds.
I believe the constellations control the body and conclude what surgery should be preformed.
I have dissected the human body and studied it for years, i believe your model is incorrect.
the renaissance changed how man saw the human body, Vesalius dissected a many human corpses to understand the body. he made a new graph of how the human body should be looked at. Prior to Vesalius, it was believed Zodiacs controlled what mitigation techniques should be used to heal people. The renaissances changed that way of thinking and soon many philosophers and anatomy experts began their research.
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