We need to do something about these laws Santa Anna gets most of the power around here
Texas took revenge
My soldier we have won this battle we shall celebrate
Mis soldados hmos ganado esta gurra selebremos
Texas wanted their independence leading them to figth Mexico for it.
Battle of Gonzalees
Give us back our Cannon
The laws placed were giving Mexico most of the power over Texas Santa Anna was encharged of almost evryone due to these laws so the Texans decided to do something about it.
Battle of The Alamo
My man we have won this battle
The Texans lost the battle of The Alamo but they wanted their independece so Sam Houston lead them to have a surprise attack on Santa Anna and his troops.
Battle of San Jacinto
We Have won this HORAYYYY!!!!!!!
The battle of gonzales was caused by the mexican goverment wanting their cannon back but Texans refused to do it.
we will not
💀We Are Dead☠
The first battle of the alamo Mexico won Santa and his soldiers killed evrybody they gave up but Santa Anna decided to kill
The battle of San Jacinto was won by Samuel Houston giving the independece to the U.S.A.
OH No we Have lost
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