Activity Overview
Text Connections | |
Text to Text | Connection that reminds you of something in another book or story |
Text to Self | Connection that reminds you of something in your life. |
Text to World | Connection that reminds you of something happening in the world. |
Example Text Connections from TITLE
Description of connection
Description of connection
Description of connection
Template and Class Instructions
(These instructions are completely customizable. After clicking "Copy Activity", update the instructions on the Edit Tab of the assignment.)
Student Instructions
Create a storyboard that shows connections you have made with [TITLE]. Include a connection for text to text, text to world, and text to self.
- Click "Start Assignment".
- Create an image for each connection using scenes, characters, items, and text boxes.
- Write a description of how the text relates to another text, the world, and you.
Lesson Plan Reference
(You can also create your own on Quick Rubric.)
Proficient | Emerging | Beginning | |
Text Connections | Student made and labeled all three text connections correctly. | Student made and labeled two text connections correctly. | Student made and labeled one text connection correctly. |
Examples of Connections | All examples of connections support understanding of text. | Most examples of connections support understanding of text. | Most examples of connections do not support understanding of text or are difficult to understand. |
Illustration of Examples | Ideas are well organized. Images clearly show the connections student made with the text. | Ideas are organized. Most images help to show the connections student made with the text. | Ideas are not well organized. Images are difficult to understand. |
Activity Overview
Text Connections | |
Text to Text | Connection that reminds you of something in another book or story |
Text to Self | Connection that reminds you of something in your life. |
Text to World | Connection that reminds you of something happening in the world. |
Example Text Connections from TITLE
Description of connection
Description of connection
Description of connection
Template and Class Instructions
(These instructions are completely customizable. After clicking "Copy Activity", update the instructions on the Edit Tab of the assignment.)
Student Instructions
Create a storyboard that shows connections you have made with [TITLE]. Include a connection for text to text, text to world, and text to self.
- Click "Start Assignment".
- Create an image for each connection using scenes, characters, items, and text boxes.
- Write a description of how the text relates to another text, the world, and you.
Lesson Plan Reference
(You can also create your own on Quick Rubric.)
Proficient | Emerging | Beginning | |
Text Connections | Student made and labeled all three text connections correctly. | Student made and labeled two text connections correctly. | Student made and labeled one text connection correctly. |
Examples of Connections | All examples of connections support understanding of text. | Most examples of connections support understanding of text. | Most examples of connections do not support understanding of text or are difficult to understand. |
Illustration of Examples | Ideas are well organized. Images clearly show the connections student made with the text. | Ideas are organized. Most images help to show the connections student made with the text. | Ideas are not well organized. Images are difficult to understand. |
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