Use a storyboard as supplemental material to give more information or to clarify concepts already introduced. The storyboard above provides additional instruction on what degrees are in relationship to angles, and provides an example to help students understand the concept. This type of visual aid is helpful to be used as a presentation tool by the teacher, or a fun activity for students to put what they've learned into concrete form.
Have students create their own storyboard examples of angles using turn, such as having a character look somewhere (like the sailor example in “Degrees”), have something or someone pivot, use the angle of the sun/moon at a certain time of day, use fraction circles, or come up with your own fun examples. Use basic and/or approximate angles such as 30°, 45°, 60°, 90°, 120°, and 135°. If possible, combine all examples together to make a big poster about angles!
(These instructions are completely customizable. After clicking "Copy Activity", update the instructions on the Edit Tab of the assignment.)
Student Instructions
Create a storyboard that provides information about types of angles and their characteristics.