Illustrating Holidays in Christianity

This Storyboard That activity is part of the lesson plans for Christianity

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Activity Overview

Holidays are incredibly significant in religion, and highlight stories, seasons, or other significant aspects of a religion. Many Christian holidays celebrate important moments in their people's history. In this activity, students will create a spider map highlighting the major holidays celebrated by the Christians. They should describe the significance of each holiday and create an illustration to help summarize what it is and how it is practiced.

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Template and Class Instructions

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Due Date:

Objective: Create a spider map focusing on 3-5 different major holidays in Christianity.

Student Instructions:

  1. Click "Start Assignment".
  2. Identify at least three major Christian holidays and write their name in the title box.
  3. For each cell write 1-3 sentence descriptions about each holiday explaining its significance.
  4. Create an illustration that represents each holiday using appropriate scenes, characters, symbols or items.
  5. Save and exit when you're done.

Requirements: Minimum of 3 cells showcasing different major holidays celebrated by Christian people. Appropriate scenes to illustrate each cell. 1-3 sentence description for each cell demonstrating your understanding.

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Frequently Asked Questions About Illustrating Holidays in Christianity


What are some of the important Christian holidays?

Important Christian holidays include Christmas, which commemorates the birth of Jesus, Easter, which marks the resurrection of Jesus, Pentecost, which marks the arrival of the Holy Spirit, and several feast days honoring saints. There are also some other important holidays that are celebrated throughout the world such as Good Friday and Season of Advent.


How can students summarize all the information regarding the holidays in Christianity?

Students can use different graphic organizers to summarize different types of information. For instance, Spider maps can be used to discuss about different types of holidays by using illustrations and short descriptions for each holiday, Venn diagrams can be used to summarize similarities and differences between different types of holidays, and Maps can be used to associate holidays with time and history and discuss the evolution of holidays overtime and their interaction with other holidays.

Frequently Asked Questions About Illustrating Holidays in Christianity

What are some of the important Christian holidays?

Important Christian holidays include Christmas, which commemorates the birth of Jesus, Easter, which marks the resurrection of Jesus, Pentecost, which marks the arrival of the Holy Spirit, and several feast days honoring saints. There are also some other important holidays that are celebrated throughout the world such as Good Friday and Season of Advent.

How can students summarize all the information regarding the holidays in Christianity?

Students can use different graphic organizers to summarize different types of information. For instance, Spider maps can be used to discuss about different types of holidays by using illustrations and short descriptions for each holiday, Venn diagrams can be used to summarize similarities and differences between different types of holidays, and Maps can be used to associate holidays with time and history and discuss the evolution of holidays overtime and their interaction with other holidays.

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