Candide: Citation Importante / Candide Important Quotations

This Storyboard That activity is part of the lesson plans for Candide

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Activity Overview

Guage understanding and facilitate class discussion with short personal response squares as students complete their daily reading assignments. A one-cell response only requires a small amount of time, but can effectively promote critical thinking and engagement. Provide students with a prompt to consider as they read a given reading selection and ask them to present their answer to the class using Storyboard That.

  1. What lesson did you take away from this chapter and why?
  2. Who was your favorite character in this chapter and why?
  3. What is one character, location, or object in this chapter that appears symbolic to you? What does it seem to represent?
  4. What do you think was the most important line in this chapter? Explain its significance.

The sample activity below is based on the fourth prompt.


“Si nous restons ici, nous n'y serons que comme les autres; au lieu que si nous retournons dans notre monde seulement avec douze moutons chargés de cailloux d'Eldorado, nous serons plus riches que tous les rois ensemble, nous n'aurons plus d'inquisiteurs à craindre, et nous pourrons aisément reprendre Mlle Cunégonde" (Ch. 18, p. 116).


Cette citation est significative parce qu’elle révèle l’ambition, l'avidité, et la vanité naturelle des hommes. Candide ne peut être satisfait dans l’utopie d’Eldorado; il cherche toujours quelque chose de nouveau et veut se sentir supérieur aux autres.

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Template and Class Instructions

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As you read the next chapter, be on the lookout for important moments and lines. A line might be important because of the way it contributes to the plot development, connects to a theme, or reveals a key character quality. When you’ve found your line, present it at the top of a storyboard and create an illustration in the square. In the textbox at the bottom, add an explanation of the quotation’s significance.

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