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Testo Storyboard

  • i could tell you some facts about the sun mr.turtle
  • if only i knew what the sun does for our planet
  • could u do it tomorrow though
  • such a beautiful sunset
  • and it gives us some of the vitamins we need
  • man its beautiful down here 
  • the sun helps grow all these wonderful plants
  • u can find the sun up in the sky
  • hey mr.turtle what are you doing here
  • i was wondering what trees do for the earth
  • why is it so dark and scary here
  • we also find lots of trees in British Colombia
  • trees give us lots of oxygen and places for other animals to live
  • and all these animals wouldn't have homes 
  • so your telling me without trees we wouldn't have  oxygen!!! 
  • hey man look at this giant piece of gold 
  • what is gold good for my friend
  • and i thought the woods were scary
  • humans use minerals like gold as money so they can buy what they want
  • and they also make  things like cars and computers with different minerals 
  • you can find gold mines in Ontario
  • man humans are such weird things
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