I think I did pretty well! *Phone rings* I wonder who that is.
Thats it! I'll apply for a job at WHITELAW and do the interview! it shouldn't be that hard.
I guess I'll go home now.
hello ma'am! What is your name and what do you know about this job?
Hi! My name is Sofia and um.. I know you guys sell food products!
Hi ma'am we are sorry to inform you that you did not qualify to get the job as an H-E-B employee.
Sofia researched everything there is about interviews for the next 3 hours.
HIREWIRE INTERVIEW TIPS1. Have smart answers2. Research the company and interviewers3. Practice your answers4. Bring resume copies, a notebook and a pen
Thank you Please wait there!
Hi Ma'am! I have an interview scheduled today at Chick-fila
I researched information about your company. I found good reviews and interesting products. Former employees said some great things about you on social media. I believe that I know quite a lot now and can create a good picture of your working environment.
Sofia, I see that you are looking for a job! Check out this app HIREWIRE
hello ma'am! Your resume looks impressive. What is your name and what do you know about this job?
The next day, Sofia had lunch with her mother.
I already took interview tips from them. Mom they even have smart job search. That is perfect!
I am actually very confident with this interview I am sure I'll get in! *phone rings*
That's how Sofia got hired using our app HIREWIRE!
Thanks to HireWire I came to know about this job. Thank god I got my resume done from HireWire and took their interview tips.
YAY!! I'm so excited to start tomorrow!
Hello Ma'am! We are happy to inform you that you have been accepted to be a Chick-fila Employee!