Hi Matt!, If I'm ready, do you think we go to the classroom?
Hey Diana!,Are you ready for english class?
Ok, but do not delay
ok class let's start with class, the first thing is the order of the subject
The first subject is blah blah blah
Teacher!, Can I go to the library
I can't understand the class why study something that I already know and that I can't understand, well I think I'm going to the library to study because the class I do not understand
ok I understand now why we are seeing this apart, I understand it better by myself
Hi Diana!, where were you during class?
studying because I did not understand the subject of which the teacher explained so I went to study at the library and well understood the subject much better
The next day...
ok students to conclude yesterday's topic I will take an exam to see if they learned
ok this will be easy,I hope
After the exam
congratulations, you got a perfect grade
OMG!, really?, I thought I was going to fail because I had to study apart from classes to undersrtood the subjet