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Gender Terminology

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Create your own at Storyboard ThatSEXGENDERCISGENDER GENDERQUESTIONING TRANSGENDERNONBINARY TRANSSEXUALGENDERFLUID Sexissomeone'sassignedclassificationatbirthbasedonbiology,externalfeatures,hormones,andchromosomalstatus.Forsome,theassignedsexdoesnotmatchwithaperson'sgenderidentity,leadingtoquestioning. Genderreferstosociallyconstructed rolesofexpression.Examplesincludenorms,culture,andsocietal expectations. Cisgenderiswhensomeone'sgenderidentityalignswiththeirsexassignedatbirth. Genderquestioningiswhensomeoneis processing,exploring,orquestioninghowtheyexpresstheirgenderidentity.Transgenderisanumbrellatermreferringtoindividualswhodonotidentifywiththegendertheywereassignedtoatbirth.Nonbinary iswhensomeone's genderidentityfallsoutsideofthetraditionalgenderbinaryofmaleandfemale.Sometimespeoplemaydescribethemselveswithnogenderormorethanonegender.Transsexualisatermreferringtoindividualswhohavetransitionedfromonegendertoanother.Thisisusuallydonelegally,medically,orwithhormonal supplements.Genderfluidisatermusedwhensomeone’sgenderidentitymaychangeorshiftovertime orinvarious situations.?Mr.Ms.
Gender Terminology
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Genere e Sessualità

Genere e Sessualità

Piani di Lezione di Patrick Healey

La sessualità umana è un argomento ricco di sfumature e agli studenti possono essere presentate informazioni contrastanti. Gli adolescenti di oggi vogliono parlare di questo argomento e il ruolo dell'insegnante è quello di facilitare la discussione in modo educativo e progressivo.


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Storyboard Descrizione

Gender Terminology to teach students about gender & sexuality in the classroom

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  • SEX
  • ?
  • Sex is someone's assigned classification at birth based on biology, external features, hormones, and chromosomal status. For some, the assigned sex does not match with a person's gender identity, leading to questioning.
  • Gender refers to socially constructed roles of expression. Examples include norms, culture, and societal expectations.
  • Cisgender is when someone's gender identity aligns with their sex assigned at birth.
  • Mr. Ms.
  • Gender questioning is when someone is processing, exploring, or questioning how they express their gender identity.
  • Transgender is an umbrella term referring to individuals who do not identify with the gender they were assigned to at birth.
  • Nonbinary is when someone's gender identity falls outside of the traditional gender binary of male and female. Sometimes people may describe themselves with no gender or more than one gender.
  • Transsexual is a term referring to individuals who have transitioned from one gender to another. This is usually done legally, medically, or with hormonal supplements.
  • Gender fluid is a term used when someone’s gender identity may change or shift over time or in various situations.
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