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Digestive System

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Create your own at Storyboard ThatMOUTHFoodentersthealimentarycanalthroughthemouth.Itischewedbyteethandbroken intosmallerpieces.Thefoodismixedwithsalivathatcontainsenzymes.ESOPHAGUSThefibromusculartubeconnectingthemouthtothestomachiscalledtheesophagus.Foodispusheddownusingawavelikemuscularmotioncalledperistalsis.STOMACHThestomachisthemuscularorganwherefoodismixedwithgastricjuices.GastricjuicehasalowpH,meaningitisacidic,andisusedtohelpdigestfoodandkillpotentiallyharmfulbacteria.SMALLINTESTINESFoodismixedwithdigestiveenzymesandbileinthesmallintestines.Theenzymesspeedupthedigestionprocess.Nutrientsarethenabsorbedintothebloodstream.LARGEINTESTINESThelargeintestinesaremadeupoftwoparts:thecolonandtherectum.Inthecolon,waterisreabsorbedfromthefood.Fecesarestoredintherectumuntiltheyarereadytobepassed.ANUSFecesleavethealimentarycanalthroughtheanus.LIVERInthedigestivesystem,theliverproducesbilewhichhelpswiththedigestionoffatsandoils.GALLBLADDERThegallbladderiswherebileisstoredandconcentrated.PANCREASBiologicalcatalystscalledenzymesareproducedinthepancreas.Digestiveenzymesspeedupthebreakingdownoflargenutrientmolecules.www.storyboardthat.com
Digestive System
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Annotated Digestive System diagram - science activities

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  • MOUTH Food enters the alimentary canal through the mouth. It is chewed by teeth and broken into smaller pieces. The food is mixed with saliva that contains enzymes.
  • LIVER In the digestive system, the liver produces bile which helps with the digestion of fats and oils.
  • GALLBLADDER The gallbladder is where bile is stored and concentrated.
  • PANCREAS Biological catalysts called enzymes are produced in the pancreas. Digestive enzymes speed up the breaking down of large nutrient molecules.
  • SMALL INTESTINES Food is mixed with digestive enzymes and bile in the small intestines. The enzymes speed up the digestion process. Nutrients are then absorbed into the bloodstream.
  • ESOPHAGUS The fibromuscular tube connecting the mouth to the stomach is called the esophagus. Food is pushed down using a wave like muscular motion called peristalsis.
  • LARGE INTESTINES The large intestines are made up of two parts: the colon and the rectum. In the colon, water is reabsorbed from the food. Feces are stored in the rectum until they are ready to be passed.
  • ANUS Feces leave the alimentary canal through the anus.
  • STOMACH The stomach is the muscular organ where food is mixed with gastric juices. Gastric juice has a low pH, meaning it is acidic, and is used to help digest food and kill potentially harmful bacteria.
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