5th comic. Princess can't face her old fears and runs away. Her mysterious glow appears for a second time as Dante and Devin take her to a motel to regroup.
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Strange thing was, as soon as we arrived, Princess went sprinting down the road along this brick wall, acting frightened and terrified.
I can't go back anymore...
Princess! PRINCESS! Where are you going??
Uh oh...
Shoot, I forgot I'm the one who gave her that name. I don't know what her name was before that...
Hello there. Yeah, uh, sorry to bother you but I'm here with someone you know, a girl named Princess.
Devin chased off after Princess, but I went back and confronted the owners of that house.
Listen, I don't know who you are, but you better get straight off this property right now.
I reluctantly had to go back. Without Princess, this operation can't work. When I got back, I found her crying in some narrow alleyway.
She won't talk to me. I've got absolutely no idea what's been the matter...
When I faced her, she just couldn't take it anymore. Her skin started glowing again, vibrantly, like the day we first met.
Come on, talk to me here, Princess!
...It's just too much, I can't face them at all...
She fell into a deep slumber after that. We let her sleep in Devin's car and just booked a hotel for a night or two.
I think so. She's got a soft, kind heart, but a strong resolve.
Think she'll be okay?
You sure it'll work?
So what's our plan now?
I'll think of something else if it doesn't.
Just wait for Princess to wake up tomorrow and confront those homeowners again.