Silvey Chan, a 12 year old girl lives on 45 Greys Avenue. She lives with her AH Yeh ( grandfather), ma ( mum), Ba (dad), her two brothers Dai Gor and Day Day, also her sisters Soong and Chuen. Silvey is the oldest out of 3 sisters. She is 5 feet and 2 inches tall. Her name means silver treasure and her mum's name means gold treasure.
Diapositiva: 2
One Afternoon, Silvey's parents told her and her siblings that they might have to move over to the country side to be safer and away from the war. Silvey was filled with emotions. She told her parents that she didn't want to be away from her parents. They must have talked about it because they said I could stay.
Diapositiva: 3
It was the day of Silvey and Judy's birthday. They were both super excited. Silvey asked her parents if she could stay the night at Judy's for their birthday. They must have talked about it because they said that I could go. So she packed a bag of dried lychees for Mrs. Brown and Judy's present. When Silvey got to Judy's house, They both gave each other their presents then said HAPPY BIRTHDAY! To each other.