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The Wizard & the Ninja: Onomatopoeia

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Create your own at Storyboard ThatShhhhh!Doyouhearthat?POOOF!Whoosh!It'sawizard!Ahhh!Heisgoingtocastaspell.Weneedhelp!ACHOO!Look!There'saninja!Wow!He'scomingdownthatrope.And,didhejustsneeze?Yes,I'maninja.Andyes,Ididsneeze.Butshhh!Iamgoingtosneakuponthiswizard.Now,whereishe?Mwuahhaha!Iamrighthere.Comefightme,ifyoudare!Ouch!Yikes!BAM!Aahh!!Whoosh!Poof!Hmmm...Wheredidhego?Wow!Whatjusthappened?HAHA!Thatwasstrange!Let'sgetsomefood.Yes!Whatisit?
The Wizard & the Ninja: Onomatopoeia
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Di Jessica Miller

Storyboard That è un software che permette facilmente a chiunque di creare storyboard o fumetti. È un eccellente strumento educativo sia che tu stia insegnando arte, storia o lingua. È un modo interattivo, divertente e visivo per insegnare agli studenti concetti grammaticali, vocabolario, lettura e comprensione e altro ancora!


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Storyboard Descrizione

The Wizard & the Ninja: Onomatopoeia Story

Testo Storyboard

  • Shhhhh! Do you hear that?
  • Yes! What is it?
  • It's a wizard! 
  • POOOF! Whoosh!
  • Ahhh! He is going to cast a spell.
  • We need help! 
  • Wow! He's coming down that rope. And, did he just sneeze?
  • Look! There's a ninja!
  • ACHOO!
  • Yes, I'm a ninja. And yes, I did sneeze. But shhh! I am going to sneak up on this wizard.
  • Now, where is he?
  • Ouch! Yikes!
  • Mwuahhaha! I am right here. Come fight me, if you dare!
  • Aahh!!
  • BAM!
  • Hmmm... Where did he go?
  • Whoosh! Poof!
  • HAHA! That was strange! Let's get some food.
  • Wow! What just happened?
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